2 0 Ju n 20 05 Solutions for the quasi - linear equations in multipliers spaces
In this paper, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a nonnegative solution for the equation u = W r u 2 + f , where f ∈ L 2 loc R d. (1) with W r σ = f is the Wolff's potential. Equations of this type arise in applications of Schrödinger operators and harmonic analysis (see [CWW], [?], [KS]) to the problem of the existence of nonnegative solutions for the nonlinear inhomogeneous integral equation u(x) = R d K(x, y)u q (y)dω(y) + f (y), x ∈ R d , (2) where q > 1 and f is a nonnegative measurable function on R d. This type equations has been treated by P. Barras and M. Pierre in [BP]. A necessary and sufficient condition for existence of solutions (in a weak sense) was given in terms of a certain nonlinear functional. Later, Adams and Pierre [AP] showed that (1) has a solution for sufficiently small λ > 0, if and only if, for all compact sets e ⊂ R d , σ(e) ≤ C.Cap e,. H 2 p , where p > 1. The proof is based on capacitary estimates and certain estimates weighted L p-estimates. The approach we present has several advantages of its own and is based on pointwise inequalities and dyadic version of W r .
منابع مشابه
m at h . A P ] 2 8 Ju n 20 05 Navier - Stokes equations and Banach spaces of local measures By Sadek Gala Université d ’ Evry Val d ’ Essonne
In this paper, we show that every strong solution u = u(t) of the Navier-Stokes equation on (0, T) can be continued beyond t > T provided u belongs to L γ ((0, T) ; E) where E is a shift-invariant Banach spaces of local measures on R d (see text for the definition) so that E is continuously embedded in the Besov space. B −r ∞,∞ for r = 1 − 2 γ (0 < r < 1). We shall generalize a well-known crite...
متن کامل0 M ay 2 00 5 Quasi - geostrophic equations with initial data in Banach spaces of local measures
This paper studies the well posedness of the initial value problem for the quasi-geostrophic type equations ∂ t θ + u.∇θ + (−∆) γ = 0 , on R d × ]0, +∞[ (1) θ (x, 0) = θ 0 (x) , x ∈ R d (2) where 0 < γ ≤ 1 is a fixed parameter and the velocity field u = = 0). The initial data θ 0 is taken in Banach spaces of local measures (see text for the definition), such as Multipliers, Lorentz and Morrey-C...
متن کاملar X iv : m at h / 05 05 55 1 v 2 [ m at h . PR ] 1 6 Ju n 20 07 STOCHASTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS DRIVEN BY PURELY SPATIAL NOISE
We study stochastic parabolic and elliptic PDEs driven by purely spatial white noise. Even the simplest equations driven by this noise often do not have a square-integrable solution and must be solved in special weighted spaces. We demonstrate that the Cameron-Martin version of the Wiener chaos decomposition is an effective tool to study both stationary and evolution equations driven by space-o...
متن کاملQuasi-geostrophic Equations with Initial Data in Banach Spaces of Local Measures
This paper studies the well posedness of the initial value problem for the quasi-geostrophic type equations ∂tθ + u∇θ + (−∆)θ = 0 on R×]0,+∞[ θ(x, 0) = θ0(x), x ∈ R where 0 < γ ≤ 1 is a fixed parameter and the velocity field u = (u1, u2, . . . , ud) is divergence free; i.e., ∇u = 0). The initial data θ0 is taken in Banach spaces of local measures (see text for the definition), such as Multiplie...
متن کاملar X iv : h ep - t h / 06 05 23 0 v 2 2 8 Ju n 20 06 UNB Technical Report 06 - 01 The Fixed Points of RG Flow with a Tachyon
We examine the fixed points to first-order RG flow of a nonlinear sigma model with background metric, dilaton and tachyon fields. We show that on compact target spaces, the existence of fixed points with nonzero tachyon is linked to the sign of the second derivative of the tachyon potential V ′′(T ) (this is the analogue of a result of Bourguignon for the zerotachyon case). For a tachyon potent...
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